Benchmarking Large Riak Data Types, continued

Some additional information about yesterdays post

Yesterday's post could have included a bit more information. Here's that information.

My environment

I'm on Mac OS X 10.9.5, and I ran the benchmark against a single Riak 2.0.2 node running locally, installed from homebrew, which does a binary install.

Other graphs

Some graphs I didn't include were a comparison of byte size and number of items, Set read times for both the key-value and data-type APIs, and Map read times for the key-value API. Here they are:

Set byte size and number of items

Map byte size and number of items

Set reads (key-value API)

Set reads (data-type API)

Map reads (key-value API)

Raw data

Here you go!

A potential fix

Russell Brown is working on a feature branch of riak_dt which may have a fix for some of this. I'm running the benchmark against a locally-compiled Riak right now, and then I'll build it with his potential fix and compare the benchmark results.

Update: I ran the benchmark against the potential fix with good results.