Concurrent implementation of the Daytime Protocol in Haskell
I demonstrate a concurrent implementation of the Daytime Protocol in Haskell
One example from Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell is a concurrent network server. The server given in the book implements an informally specified doubling protocol, where each submitted line gets parsed as an Integer and returns the double of the input.
Back in May, Andrew Clarkson gave a talk at the PyMNtos meeting about Asynchronous IO in Python. As an example, he included an asynchronous version of a Daytime server.
Let's take the Haskell doubling server, and make it a (TCP) Daytime server.
... but first, some imports.
import Control.Monad (forever)
is useful for making loops out of void functions (IO ()
import Text.Printf (printf)
behaves similarly to how it does in other languages: it takes a
format string and items to interpolate into the format string.
import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, formatTime)
import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale)
These are used to get the current time, and format it with the default locale.
import System.IO (
A handle is a place for IO to stream data.
, stdout
is the default handle used for things like putStrLn
, hPutStrLn
This is the handle equivalents of putStrLn
. Rather than assuming the
standard handle, the handle is passed in explicitly. One can define
(in point-free
style) as
putStrLn = hPutStrLn stdout
, hClose
Handles need to be closed when you are done with them.
import Network (
This is needed on Windows to initialize the networking subsystem. It is here for portability reasons.
, listenOn
This opens a socket on a specified port.
, PortID(PortNumber)
To specify the port, we'll pass in a PortNumber
, accept
takes a socket and returns a tuple of a Handle, a
host, and the port.
import Control.Concurrent (
creates a new (light-weight)
thread to run a
specified process and when it completes, it “finally” runs another
command. You'll see when we get there.
, threadDelay
It turns out our single-threaded implementation is quite efficient, so we'll add a slight delay to make clear how concurrency affects the server.
This program has four different main functions. The fourth one is the
concurrent Daytime server, so we'll use that implementation as our main
main = main4
First, lets write a non-server version of what a Daytime server does. According to the specification:
“Once a connection is established the current date and time is sent out the connection as a ascii character string (and any data received is thrown away). The service closes the connection after sending the quote.”
A non-server of this would just be a simple version of
main1 :: IO ()
main1 = do
ct <- getCurrentTime
let time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T" ct
putStrLn time
This outputs the time, and halts.
In order to work with sockets, however, we'll need to use the Handle equivalent program. We'll also adding a slight delay to make the benefits of concurrency clear later.
To convert main1
to use handles explicitly, we'll pass an output
handle in, and use hPutStrLn
instead of putStrLn
mainWith :: Handle -> IO ()
mainWith outH = do
threadDelay (10^6) -- to simulate "real" work.
ct <- getCurrentTime
let time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%F %T" ct
hPutStrLn outH time
Ignoring the threadDelay
, the equivalent program to main1
would be:
main2 :: IO ()
main2 = mainWith stdout
Now we can get on with implementing the server. The specification establishes port 13 for the Daytime protocol.[^1]
port :: Int
port = 13
Let's start out with the server implementation from the book:
main3 :: IO ()
main3 = withSocketsDo $ do
sock <- listenOn (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
printf "Listening on port %d\n" port
forever $ do
(handle, host, port) <- accept sock
printf "Accepted connection from %s: %s\n" host (show port)
Here's where things diverge. We use our mainWith
in place of talk
Since we can pass handles into mainWith
, we can pass handles returned
by accept
into mainWith
mainWith handle
Don't forget to close the handle after the connection has been handled (as specified)!
hClose handle
This handles each connection in sequence. Since handling the connection takes over a second of work (due to the thread delay), it can only respond to one connection per second.
Let's add some concurrency! This first part is the same:
main4 :: IO ()
main4 = withSocketsDo $ do
sock <- listenOn (PortNumber (fromIntegral port))
printf "Listening on port %d\n" port
forever $ do
(handle, host, port) <- accept sock
printf "Accepted connection from %s: %s\n" host (show port)
Here's where forkFinally
comes in. Instead of calling
mainWith handle
, we fork a new thread to call it. When the thread
completes, we (finally) close the handle.
forkFinally (mainWith handle)
(\_ -> hClose handle)
Since a new thread is created for each connection, we are no longer limited to one connection per second.
To run this file[^2]:
runhaskell daytime.lhs
To test the concurrency[^3]:
yes "nc localhost 13" | parallel -j 32
This streams commands to connect to localhost on port 13, and uses
to have 32 worker threads running those commands. With main3
you should see one response per second, whereas with main4
, you
should see 32 responses per second.
[^1]: You may need root access in order to run this program. If you do not have root access, change the port to 1313 or some other number above 1024. Socket numbers below 1024 are generally protected on modern computers.
[^2]: Again, you may need root access.
[^3]: You'll need GNU
installed, if
you don't have it.