Singular Dispatch and Update

Providing more implementations for a singular dispatch method

In my earlier singular dispatch post, I suggested that the update method of the singular_dispatch class is quite useful. One place I'm using it is for an implementation of QuickCheck in Python[^1].

[^1]: I'll be posting more on this as things get implemented.

An important aspect of QuickCheck is an arbitrary function which returns a random value of a specified type. Assuming we have a random_int function, we can create an initial arbitrary function which works for int:

def random_int():
    return random.randint(-sys.maxint - 1, sys.maxint)

arbitrary = singular_dispatch({
    int: random_int,

Now, when you want to extend this behavior to new types in Haskell, one would write something like:

instance Arbitrary Bool where
  arbitrary = ...

Back in Python land, we can add another instance to arbitrary using the update method:

    bool: lambda: arbitrary[int]() > 0

Calling arbitrary[cls]() isn't very pythonic. The preferred notation would be cls.arbitrary(). This mixin provides that notation for classes which inherit from it[^2]:

[^2]: This mixin does not provide the object-oriented notation for primitive types.

class ArbitraryMixin(object):
    def arbitrary(cls):
        return arbitrary[cls]()

class Natural(int, ArbitraryMixin):
    ## Does not actually enforce self >= 0!

class NaturalPlus(int, ArbitraryMixin):
    ## Does not actually enforce self >= 1!

    Natural: lambda: abs(arbitrary[int]())
    # Only arbitrary integers >= 0.
    NaturalPlus: lambda: Natural.arbitrary() + 1
    # Only arbitrary positive integers, and sys.maxint + 1.

(Note: for simplicity, we're ignoring the sys.maxint + 1 case. It would not still be an int due to Python casting on overflow.)

This is reminiscent of deriving in Haskell, though nowhere near as powerful.

This even works for complex data structures such as Trees, as long as the structure is defined in arbitrary appropriately. To do so, we create a class combinator which returns a random arbitrary function:

def or_(*args):
    return arbitrary[random.choice(args)]

class Tree(ArbitraryMixin):

class Leaf(Tree, ArbitraryMixin):
    def __init__(self, value):
        self.value = value

class Node(Tree, ArbitraryMixin):
    def __init__(self, left, right):
        self.left = left
        self.right = right

    Tree: lambda: or_(Leaf, Node)(),
    Leaf: lambda: Leaf(Natural.arbitrary()),
    Node: lambda: Node(Tree.arbitrary(), Tree.arbitrary())

One benefit of this is Leaf.arbitrary() is guaranteed to be a Leaf and Node.arbitrary() is guaranteed to be a Node but Tree.arbitrary() makes no such guarantees. This is a useful result of subtyping in Python.