Widely and Hakyll

How I use Widely to deploy Hakyll sites

I've been using widely and Hakyll together for a little while now for a few different sites.

The quickest setup is to cd into _site and widely sites:create <SITENAME>. However this setup involves a lot of cd-ing for deployment. In order to minimize cd-ing, I added a deployCommand to my Hakyll configuration as follows:

config = defaultConfiguration
    { deployCommand = "pushd _site && widely push && popd"

This makes building and deploying:

./site build && ./site deploy

However, widely creates a .widely file in its source directory, which in this case is Hakyll's _site, and I wouldn't store _site in a version control repository for the site. Ideally, the .widely file would be stored in the root of the repository. We can put the .widely there and have Hakyll move the .widely into _site.

To do this, I initially added ".widely*" to the list of file identifiers going into the idRoute and the copyFileCompiler. This doesn't work, and for a few reasons.

First, the globs don't work the way I thought they do. I changed it to (fromRegex "\\.widely.*")) instead.

Second, Hakyll ignores dotfiles by default, so we need to change the ignoreFile function in the configuration:

config = defaultConfiguration
         { deployCommand = "pushd _site && widely push && popd"
         , ignoreFile = ignoreFile'
    ignoreFile' path
        | ".widely"    `isPrefixOf` fileName = False
        | "."    `isPrefixOf` fileName = True
        | "#"    `isPrefixOf` fileName = True
        | "~"    `isSuffixOf` fileName = True
        | ".swp" `isSuffixOf` fileName = True
        | otherwise                    = False
        fileName = takeFileName path

I've been very happy with this setup, though there remains one issue: With the .widely file in multiple locations, occasionally I'll accidentally call widely push in the root of the repository. This isn't a huge issue as widely asks before making changes. When I make this mistake, widely detects quite a few files that shouldn't be included. I think it'll just take getting used to calling ./site deploy instead.